Town of Barrington Maps & Links

Below you will find an ever expanding and constantly updated collection of maps and links.  Please check back often for updated and new maps & links. Click on each map for a larger and printable version.


These maps were created for the use of the Barrington Conservation Commission, to act as an aid in prioritizing land to be actively targeted for conservation and/or protected from intensive development. It assigns points to various features that are valued for conservation purposes (shown in the table at bottom left) and sums them up to assign a value (co-occurrence).  The darker the shade, the more conservation value the indicated region has. “LCP” (Land Conservation Plan for New Hampshire’s Coastal Watersheds)  and “WAP” (Wildlife Action Plan) are studies done on regional and state-wide bases that have somewhat different emphases than the town’s but are a useful addition to the conservation criteria.
These maps are not intended to be comprehensive, as the data that go into it are limited; however, they serves as a useful guideline to aid the Conservation Commission in its duties.
Address questions via the web site or the Land Use Office.