by David Goolkasian | Feb 15, 2021 | Conserved Lands
Jefferey Conservation Easement: Semi-Public Trails Description: Jeffery Trails to Mendum’s Pond – Barrington, NH – Private – Obtain Owner’s Permission – (Stephen Jeffery at 603- 664-9002) Parking: Parking is behind the house, near the barn, or at the log...
by David Goolkasian | Feb 15, 2021 | Conserved Lands
UNH Recreation Area: Public Trails Acreage: 200 UNH Recreation Area The University of New Hampshire owns and operates a ca. 200-acre recreation area on Hall Road that has considerable frontage on Mendums Pond. For a fee, it is open to the public for swimming,...
by David Goolkasian | Feb 15, 2021 | Conserved Lands
Barrington Town Forest: Public Trails Protection: Town Owned Land Description: A 48-acre tract dedicated to the provision of recreational trails, conservation education and wildlife habitat protection. Several hiking paths of varying lengths, see maps. Acreagae: 48...
by David Goolkasian | Feb 15, 2021 | Conserved Lands
Samuel A. Tamposi Water Supply Reserve (SATWaSR): Public Trails Protection: Conservation Easement Description: TBDTrail length: ~1 mile to many miles Difficulty: Easy to moderate Locations: End of Tibbetts Rd. (off of Hall Rd.), Rte. 125, Carriage Run Rd (from...
by David Goolkasian | Feb 15, 2021 | Conserved Lands
Newhall Property: Public Trails Protection: Conservation Easement held by the town with the Strafford Rivers Conservancy as backup. The easement was donated by Patricia Newhall in 2003. Description: 80 acres of mostly woodland with an extensive trail system. A large...
by David Goolkasian | Feb 15, 2021 | Conserved Lands
Goodwill Conservation Area: Public Trails Protection: Conservation Easement Description: Town owned property with pond and extensive ledges. Motorized wheeled vehicles are not permitted on the Goodwill Conservation Area. Snowmobiles are only allowed on designated...